Frank Sluss, a Senior Designer III at our Williamsburg office, has been with AES for over 30 years. Frank earned his Bachelors of Science in Finance from Virginia Tech and is definitely one of the biggest Hokies fans in the office!

One of the easiest people to talk to that you will ever meet, it’s no wonder that Frank’s favorite thing about AES is “the people who work here”.


We asked Frank to share a little bit more about himself. See his answers below!

Favorite Food: “Italian anything”

Favorite Activities outside of work: “Sports in general – playing, watching, coaching”

Favorite vacation spot: “Visiting family, stay home”

Favorite Quote: “Don’t really have one, but I’ll go with just about every quote you can think of in the old John Wayne or Clint Eastwood western movies.”

Another occupation you would like to try: “At this point – none”

Which actor would you want to play you in the movie about your life: “Robert Redford”


AES Culture

If you ask Frank why he recommends AES he will tell you it’s because “you are given autonomy along with support and resources to meet and overcome the challenges of the job and become the best you can be to advance your career.”


To learn more about Frank Sluss and our amazing employees, check out our other Employee Spotlights.

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