Charitable Giving
AES CARES is the giving arm of AES and was established to help those in need in our communities in the form of financial support, employee participation/volunteering, and pro-bono services to a selection of causes we support. For AES to make a true impact, the following causes have been selected for support by our company.
- Access to affordable housing for groups such as US military veterans, the elderly, the disabled, and the disadvantaged
- Childhood Cancer Care
- Local Homelessness
AES seeks to increase this support through social media efforts to create in-kind support from industry allies, company vendors, AES employees and others. No programs will be instituted to pressure any of these groups. The group will only spread the ‘good word’ of the causes and the support of AES, hoping folks associated with the company may participate as well.
AES will participate in some annual events and encourage participation by other AES employees and their families. This might include soup kitchens, walkathons, home builds, relays, golf tournaments, and many other possibilities.