Jason Seas, P.E.
AES Spotlight

Jason Seas, one of our many talented and dedicated Project Managers, has been with AES since 2014. Before settling in Virginia at the age of seven, he and his family bounced between Hawaii, California, and Illinois. At a young age, the Star Wars trilogy had a major impact on him, resulting in a love of science fiction and dreams of designing moon bases and space stations. Before attending Virginia Tech and attaining his Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering, he attained the rank of Eagle as a Boy Scout. When he is not at work providing exceptional client service and top-notch engineering design, he enjoys table-top gaming, hiking, target shooting, and touring breweries. He also enjoys movies and reading American history, fantasy, and of course, science fiction. He is a guitarist in a variety performance group called “The Feral Showgirls” and a seven-piece multi-genre band called “Rachel and The Jellycats”. Jason applies the same level of passion and commitment to our many clients at AES as he does to his music and his many other interests.
We asked Jason to share a little bit more about himself. See his answers!
Favorite Food: “Tacos / burritos”
Favorite Activities Outside of Work: “Playing music in a band, performing dinner theater, tabletop gaming, visiting breweries and wineries, cosplay and costuming, visiting historic sites, museums, and antique / pawn shops.”
Favorite Vacation Spot: “Wherever I am at with friends”
Favorite Quote: “Oh, Bother” – Winnie the Pooh
Another occupation you would like to try: “AstroPhotographer”
Which actor would you want to play you in the movie about your life: “Make it animated with animals, and I would be a cat or an otter”

AES Culture
We do our best to provide an enjoyable office environment that balances with our families, hobbies, and interests outside of work.