Jeff Craven, P.E.
Project Manager
Professional Engineer, Virginia, 2018
BS, Civil Engineering
Virginia Tech, 2007
Office Location
566 East Market Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Contact Info
(540) 432 – 9555
Favorite aspect of your job?
Enjoy positioning site features as if they’re puzzle pieces and finding creative ways to optimize designs.
Favorite activities outside of work?
Watching my kids play soccer and basketball as well as bicycling.
Another occupation you would like to try?
Tour guide in a tropical location.
Mr. Craven began his career in 2007 after graduating with a Civil Engineering degree from Virginia Tech. With 6 years of experience, he joined Blackwell Engineering. He quickly became the resident expert on Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans for residential and commercial development. Mr. Craven has created comprehensive site plans for residential communities, commercial properties, poultry houses and much more. In 2022 Blackwell Engineering became part of AES Consulting Engineers. Today, Mr. Craven manages all aspects of projects including design for site grading, erosion and sediment control, stormwater management, utility and roadway layout, building placement, etc. His utility layout work includes potable water lines, stormwater systems, and sanitary sewer systems. He prides himself on providing clients with efficient designs that solve problems, maintain development timelines, and minimize construction costs.
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