Professional Development
Training & Mentorship
Each year, AES looks for training programs and opportunities for all staff functions including field safety, technical design, AutoCAD use, project management, staff management, financial management, and executive leadership. AES supplements the use of outside trainers and educational resources with internal and customized training. Internal training is led by experienced AES managers and focused on specific approaches proven successful in serving our clients.
Training and mentorship run hand-in-hand at AES. While they are district approaches, AES blends the two through the best career development. . . on the job training!
Mentorship pairs experienced staff with entry-level and emerging staff. Training provides all levels of staff with new knowledge and approaches to problem solving. The AES approach combines the two.
By using real world projects, Project Managers expose staff to real challenges and presented by project sites and real solutions needed by clients. Yes, we have practice projects, video tutorials, CAD standards, best practices, and standing methodologies for design and supportive calculations. These are critical to successfully turning site challenges in to project features and opportunities. The mentorship by our Project Managers puts these tools into real-time context.
Entry-level team members are brought along at a deliberate pace and are encouraged and allowed to take one new task . . . and struggle. Yes, struggle. With the support and mentorship of AES Project Managers, this struggle leads to growth, competency and eventually efficiency.
For academic education and training outside of AES, the company will contribute up to $5,000 each year towards continuing education. This includes tuition, licensure test preparation materials and training relevant in the advancement of your career path at AES.
Mentorship at AES revolves around one central idea. We pair experienced professionals and managers with new hires and emerging professionals. Using on-going projects in real time, projects managers and senior staff mentor employees by exposing them to the wide variety of AES designs, offering tips, hacks, and methodologies that have proven effective over the years, and perhaps most importantly, encourage employees to ask questions. At AES “learning while working” from the most experienced professionals is at the core of the definition of mentorship. Some years mentorship is formally structured with specific skills and abilities to be fostered. Other times it is less structured when a manager and an employee find that natural fit for “learning while working”. The subjects are too many to list, ranging from engineering design, survey field work, administrative processes, billing procedures, client development, business development, subcontractor coordination, and much, much more. The best evidence of the effectiveness of mentorship at AES is that the overwhelming majority of our Office Managers, Sr. Project Managers, and Project Managers will point to one or two AES professionals that mentored them along the way to successful and rewarding careers at AES.

Field Experience
From interns to entry-level engineers, landscape architects, and surveyors working in the field every day, the value of “boots-on-the-ground” experience cannot be overstated at AES.
Field experience is essential for a complete understanding of how plans progress from field data collection to in-house processing, CAD design, and, finally, application in site construction. Engineers at all stages of their career development walk sites with plans in hand, continually gaining a better understanding of construction methods for engineered designs. Landscape architects spend time on sites, working to get a “feel” for a site’s natural features and ways it can blend with surrounding environments. Field surveyors start by assisting party chiefs, focusing on equipment, technology, and basic calculations. Experienced field staff and party chiefs use Trimble technology and AutoCAD Civil 3D to capture field data for initial efforts like boundary surveys and final tasks such as as-built surveys.
At AES, we embrace every opportunity to learn from site contractors, construction material manufacturers and suppliers, and other professionals as we watch our plans come to life through construction.